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How Tree Surgeons Choose the Best Season for Tree Pruning

Most homeowners fail to prune the trees in their property at the right time as they don’t know the right season to trim them. Since it depends on the tree’s species, it is advisable to get in touch with experienced tree surgeons. The right time for tree trimming also depends on the pruning tool you are using. Since the best time to prune them is when the trees are still dormant, you can consider hiring tree surgeons at the end of winter.

Few trees stay healthy if you prune them in spring or summer. If you think you can trim the trees yourself, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Tree care involves a lot of exceptions and intricacies. Tree surgeons always consider the annual growth of a tree before pruning it.

Why Prune Trees In Winter?

Many people consider winter the best season for tree pruning as the trees stay dormant, making them less prone to pest infestation and diseases. If you plan to trim the structural branches or the trunk, choose winter. Avoid pruning the trees in freezing winter and wait for the temperature to rise. Try to complete the process while the trees are still dormant. You won’t get the desired results if there is a sudden drop in temperature when you start pruning the trees.

Extreme temperature fluctuations or prolonged cold weather can also cause low-temperature injury in them. Every experienced tree surgeon prefers pruning trees during winter dormancy to make them ready for spring growth. Avoid keeping the cuts open, and don’t prune during Christmas. If you don’t want wound tissues to stay exposed for a long time, choose early spring. The wounds seal fast during this season.

Two More Seasons When You Can Consider Tree Pruning

  • Spring

If the tree you plan to prune bears flower in spring, do it early spring. The best time for pruning fruit trees is late February or early April. Trimming them in the fall will make them vulnerable to winter injury. It is advisable to prune flowering trees after they finish flowering.

  • Summer

Some tree species require summer pruning. Just make sure that you don’t remove excess leaves as trees require them for photosynthesis. Remove summer branches with extra caution, so you don’t end up removing the parts used for energy production.

Since you now know why late winter is the ideal time for tree pruning, it’s time you get in touch with the tree surgeons at Beechwood Tree Services.